Phillips Medisize
Pharmapack 2022, Paris FR
This, the first exhibition booth we designed after the start of the Covid pandemic, posed unique challenges never encountered before.
Same space as last year, 3 x 5m.
Create a more open booth
Minimize seating opportunities
Include small storage area
Need for physical products
Event less than two months away
We started with an internal workshop whose key takeaway was a storage area cleverly hidden behind a diagonal video wall to create visual impact while preserving an open design. The customer approved the design but voiced concern about the cost of a video wall.
We modified the video wall into four vertically installed 70-inch screens. Using consumer-grade monitors backlit to capture the screen content colour, we succeeded in adding even more wow while reducing the cost by over 80 percent. A mini-computer with quadruple screen capability turned the screens into one.
Phillips Medisize
Pharmapack 2022, Paris FR